Skagit Valley Sprint

Skagit Valley Sprint

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just so you know

That I have been at least a bit productive...I really have! These quarter blocks are for the second round of the Modern Bento Block Swap and are ready for mailing. In the original swap, I made enough to make a small-ish lap quilt, so when someone suggested a second round, I was definitely in. I love a quilt large enough to snuggle under, so with the 24 quarter blocks I'll receive in return, it should produce something snuggle-worthy...if the right person in my oldest son's life really likes it, perhaps this might become a graduation gift! Not only have I worked on these lovelies, I have also done some hand sewing on my Grandmother's Flower Garden while gadding about Central Washington on camping trips and such!  There are perhaps 4 more hexies to go on one flower and then the 3 main rows will be connected.  Then comes the task of making the connecting diamonds and the borders, still a bit more work to do, but it's getting there and I'm excited! I will post pictures when all the flowers are stitched together, until then, started for the youngest son today, so it is time to herd him off to bed so I can start a new book! TTFN...

1 comment:

  1. Your bento blocks are wildy pretty! I like them a lot. And it's great to hear of the progress you're making on hexies. Wow! I, for one, look forward to seeing pictures.
