Skagit Valley Sprint

Skagit Valley Sprint

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I've been doing a fair amount of overtime in the past 3 months...has it really been 3 months?! OMG, pretty much my entire summer and I realize now, that most of the summer has passed me by. My intention was to do enough to buy the kids season tickets to White Pass for skiing this winter and then...not sure what happened, but I think it went towards paying off a bill. The next month came and well, this time it will go for vacation so that we can do school shopping while in Lincoln City and have a really nice, carefree time on the coast, and then...the compressor went t/u on the a/c in the middle of triple digit heat (of course!) It's funny how you start out with great aspirations of what the $$ will go for and in the end, it just seems to go for the usual things, I wonder why that is? It's not that I resent putting the extra hours, that's not it at all...I just always am amazed at how fast the $$ goes to everything EXCEPT for what it was intended for.

But, we DID have a nice vacation at the ocean and we DID have a nice trip to Montana and I DID get some good pictures of Ryan for his senior pictures and for the yearbook, so I guess despite the 100 some extra hours of work I put in, the summer wasn't a total bust...

and OMG, but school starts on Tuesday of next week, that's a week from today! And my oldest son Ryan will be a senior, a SENIOR...OMG a SENIOR! I'm NOT prepared for this, I'm sure! Before I know it, June will be upon us and Ryan will be graduating, when it seemed like just yesterday, he was this 8lb 6oz beautiful baby boy that I came forth from my body after almost 9 hrs of labor and 2 hrs of pushing, (and not one bit of pain medication I might proudly add) the same baby boy that was blue and had to be smacked on both heels by the doctor before he would breath on his own...and now, he's a senior in highschool...that just blows me away!

I know that life will pass you by in an instant and my hope is that I won't waste a single moment. But now I am totally off subject and realize that I should just leave it at that...but first, here are some pictures of my beautiful baby boy now....

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