It's up for a vote, my dear readers and being the curious sort, I wonder, which dresden do you like the best? The top or the bottom? Having ripped this one dresden apart no less than four times, I'm pretty sure I like the assortment of the spokes on #2 the best, but I'm not 100% sold on the center for either of them...though leaning more towards the center on #1. I'd love to hear what any of you might think!
And since I have you captivated, let me share with you a little side trip that I took while away at training last week in Everett, WA. My BFF Kathy and I hopped in the car Wednesday evening and motored our way through 405 traffic, up to Mt Vernon to see if the tulips were blooming...much to our delight, they were! Though we only had time to take in one vendor, the views were spectacular in the fading light, in between rainbursts and cloud-cover and it was just the thing to shake off the drudgery of sitting in a classroom all day (no matter how interesting the subject matter)...hope you enjoy!
Among Other Things, QuiltCon Prep
1 week ago