All I can do is laugh! Just look at those faces, aren't they absolutely pathetic? No really, my boys respectively 18 and almost 14 still can't wait until tomorrow evening to open their presents, they begged and pleaded (c'mon, just one!)...I held my continued, believe me, they play a good game! But still, I stood my ground, my resolve was rock solid. I was confident, their father was deep in a Pay-per-view movie and they were dealing with Mom after all, the unwavering rock of the family, hard-core, steely-gazed Mom who always says no (that's why you call Dad first)...and so I did, over and over and over again, still they persisted, then when I wasn't looking DS#1 grabbed his truck keys, DS#2 grabbed his wallet and out the door they went, to do heaven only knows what...I got a phone call some 20 minutes later, telling me not go to bed yet (I believe there was an idle threat to put me in the home early if Idid) I told them to save their money, I REALLY didn't want anything! They didn't listen of course...
Dove chocolate, not one, but four bags were plopped in my lap. Behind DS#1's back were these lovely roses. What could I do?! The final word came from their father (so they would be quiet and he could listen to his movie in peace) out came the pocket knives to cut the tape (can't you just hear the banjos playing?) and at last, they were happy! DS#1 with his flannel shirt and DS#2 with his basketball shorts and flannel sleep pants (they were both in the same package, no he didn't get to open two) and now all is quiet in the house (save from the elevated volume of the tv, of course...thank goodness I haven't given in to surround sound) DS#1 is in his room texting his GF and DS#2 is texting one of the many girls that find him irresistable ...all is well!
Perhaps now would be a good time to mention that these poor, forlorn waifs have already received the larger portion of the Christmas gifts in advance, due to the ever-rising depth of snow on the slopes here in central Washington, both sons have already hit the slopes no less than 3 times already...DS#1 with his new snowboard of which we paid half and DS#2 with his bright pink Burton bindings and not pictured here are his grenade gloves also in an outrageous color (hmmmm, does he get his love of color from moi? me thinks so) And the real reason that I didn't want/need anything for Christmas from them? Well, I have already done a little shopping on Amazon and Equilter of course! Can you believe that I found FMF?! Yep, my heart swooned when I saw that it was on sale. The books are both ones that I have been longing for and found for at a tempting price, how coincidental that my hubby was in a generous mood all at the same time! It was fortuitous I tell you, yes indeedy, I tell you it was!
We will be hitting the slopes at White Pass on Christmas Day AND we found a room at the Hotel Packwood for the night...crossing my fingers that the hot tub will be uncrowded and that our non-traditional Christmas will turn out better than our extremely less-than-traditional Thanksgiving!
I know that I previously wished you a Merry Christmas, but in keeping with the holiday spirit, I want to expand by saying that I hope that you find this Christmas season full of love, laughter, blessings and all the things you've hoped for that will continue to grace you in the New Year to come!
QuiltCon in Review: 8
2 days ago