Skagit Valley Sprint

Skagit Valley Sprint

Sunday, January 23, 2011

With Limited Time on My Hands

And some batting scraps, the beginnings of a quilt as you go project began. This is the tutorial that I am using, it's well-written, fun, but time consuming, though the lovely part is that most of the process is done, only the backing remains and I think that can be accomplished in sections
Camping season is fast approaching and the bungalow is in need of a quilt.  While perusing, I found camper themed fabric, much to my DH's delight! He loves anything vintage (vehicle-wise) and somewhere in the back of his mind has aspirations of restoring an airstream in his spare time. Here are closeups of the two blocks that I have finished, each one will have a camper/trailer as the center...aren't they fun?! I would love to make matching curtains, but one thing at a time I think...
While I am stitching and blogging away, the boys are having a craft time of their own. Salmon season on the Columbia River begins in April, when the Chinooks return from the ocean. They are tying up hook rigs and spinners to be used with bait, in hopes that we will be using the right combination that will entice the fish to bite. It's all a very closely guarded secret and when a lucky person lands a fish, those along the banks pull out the binoculars to try to catch a glimpse of what was used, passing boats pull in close in hopes of grabbing a's all very competitive! Last year, the wind blew like nobody's business, I froze my tootsies off but managed to reel in a nice 12 first salmon.  I found it a bit tedious and boring, we didn't bring a tv with us, because the year before the guys had no time for viewing, the fish were biting that often and I was assured that it would be just as exciting...not so much, but we did come home with four so at least we weren't skunked. My nephew and I entertained ourselves by throwing beach rocks at each other...he nailed me in the shin with a boulder the size of a basketball (huge exaggeration on my part) and I alternated between screaming at the top of my lungs (yes, people were craning their necks to see what all the comotion was about) and writhing in mock agony on the ground and giggling at the same time until tears came...I guess you had to be there! Even more fun were the superstitious rituals that were performed in order to please the fish gods. I won't even begin to describe the blessing of the rods, what happens in fish camp....


  1. Your quilt as you go blocks look great! I keep wanting to do one, but then just never get around to it.

  2. I love this quilt you are making.. tho I told you that already.. We may need to locate some Airstream Trailer outdoor lights to complete this look.. Ya'll just might win the tacky camper trailer light contest,, We have the "christmas story leg lamp lights", Raaps have the tabasco bottles, I hear there may be a new addition too. get you some airstream lights and we will all look SUPER redneck when we camp this summer. Enjoy!
