A lovely barn in Bozeman, MT
But the bride to the left is a wedding I photographed last summer
Maybe it's from too much overtime, maybe it's letdown from vacation, just maybe I have been reading everyone else's blogs and need to be sitting at my sewing machine instead! There are SO many creative people on these blogs, awesome quilts, amazing photos and the inspiration...well, that's phenomenal too. Sooooo, what's my problem?! Not really sure, but I'm not giving up just yet, it's just a phase, things will work themselves out and I will be back on the road to creativity in no time flat, for instance...On Saturday, I am traveling to the Buggy Barn, to see more wonderful quilts, I can't wait! Sue Spargo is giving a class and so is Lynda Hall...what I wouldn't give to be taking a class from either or both of them!!! Who knows, maybe I will come home and get to work! I guess we'll see, stay tuned...
Nice images!! You sure look like a great photographer to me! :)