Skagit Valley Sprint

Skagit Valley Sprint

Monday, April 30, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

It's up for a vote, my dear readers and being the curious sort, I wonder, which dresden do you like the best? The top or the bottom? Having ripped this one dresden apart no less than four times, I'm pretty sure I like the assortment of the spokes on #2 the best, but I'm not 100% sold on the center for either of them...though leaning more towards the center on #1.  I'd love to hear what any of you might think!
And since I have you captivated, let me share with you a little side trip that I took while away at training last week in Everett, WA. My BFF Kathy and I hopped in the car Wednesday evening and motored our way through 405 traffic, up to Mt Vernon to see if the tulips were blooming...much to our delight, they were! Though we only had time to take in one vendor, the views were spectacular in the fading light, in between rainbursts and cloud-cover and it was just the thing to shake off the drudgery of sitting in a classroom all day (no matter how interesting the subject matter)...hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

What's "almost" on my bed

Bonnie over at Quiltville's Quips & Snips is having a linky party to celebrate Spring (cleaning)...and though, camper quilt isn't quite worthy of the bed just yet, I'm putting it in the party anyway! Camper quilt, so called,  because each log cabin has a camper fussy cut for the center of each square,  was originally made to bless the double bed in the bungalow (our trailer), but while I was midway through its construction, I realized that I had enough camper motifs to make it a smallish queen size to fit the bed in the house.  Alas, it's still in two pieces, each half quilted and ready to be joined to the other and the backing slipstitched together and bound...much to my chagrin.  I just can't seem to find it within myself to complete the process.
I don't know what my problem is, DS #2's hockey season has been over for weeks now, no more Tuesday night practices or two and three games each weekend to is however, a rather large quilt to wrestle at any one time and my sewing machine has a rather tiny throat to try and shove it through, but even that part is poor husband has commented several times about how nice it would look on the bed...hint, hint, nudge, nudge. I love it's scrappiness and all the fabrics in it, it really makes me happy... I don't know! I keep telling myself that some Saturday I will just sit down and get it done, I will get myself in the groove and push through to its completion...but it hasn't happened yet...I cringe to tell you that I have even used one half it to cover myself while watching tv, each side is a generous lap quilt in itself, (heavy sigh) So, here it is waiting, patiently, as is my DH...wait a sec, let's re-think this retrospect, I haven't posted a blog entry in months either, and now I have...hmmmm...perhaps there's hope yet! (you'll be the first to know if inspiration strikes...stay tuned!)